Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Miscellaneous Stuff (Day 19)

Here are some odds and ends pictures
Watching Syracuse win over Arizona on Sunday afternoon (at Kerwicks')
Ignore the guy in the picture.  It's this odd tree I took a picture of.  That is it's natural coloring.
Sharon doesn't know the kind of tree it is, will have to do some research.
We went to lunch here on Monday
Hotdog Heaven's Angel (s)

Larry took Molly for a walk this morning and came home with these two
coconuts he found beside the road. John cracked one open and we ate some of it.

Lunch at "Rosie's" today

This is one of the lizards that run around the yard here.  He is on a piece of coral
Will blog about our visit with Maria next!!!

1 comment:

Sue said...

I remember those little lizards from when we lived down there! We had one that would always hang out by our porchlight and he'd stick his tongue out at us when we'd come home. I named him Jose.