How many little hands went into this candy dish over the years? I can see all my kids, grandkids, the Dietzman's kids, gently removing the cover. Remember "Uno" when he'd hear the cover come off he'd want a candy too. The memory continues now as it sits on my Island in my kitchen as my kids and grandkids continue to enjoy the tradition of the "mint candy in the candy dish". Someday soon maybe, Gma's GG grandkids will lift that cover for their first mint.
I loved delving into the mint jar at Grandma's house. It was one of those constants that there are so few of left these days. You walk in and there's Mints on the table and ice cream in the freezer. Period.
Agree with you Sue. well said. My kids still talk about the candy dish!
Those mints were one of my favorite parts of GG Cramer's house. I remember my mom buying those same mints for at our house, but they seriously just did not taste the same.
I think it was the dish they were in. It added something to them that made them even better.
I also remember the very pink bathroom...and the catfish of course.
i love great g-mas mint jar!! every time i went to her house i would grab a small handful, i remember when Mackenzie and i went up there with g-ma and g-pa and Mackenzie was interviewing everybody hehe,we were also eating the mints wile she was doing it haha theres alot of great memories with the mint jar.
I tried to put those mints on my ice cream once... I didn't go so well.
Glad this turned up. Thought we'd have to continue tradition by picking mints out of a bowl of pinecones.
......but - I think that bowl was on the table for 50 years 'cause I don't ever remember it NOT being there. The Mint Bowl, the little calendar and the binoculars were constants.
and oh - it's impossible to lift the cover on this thing, remove a mint and get the cover back on without making noise. Can't be done.
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