Thursday, October 9, 2008


When we got married (1956) we received a number of forged aluminum gifts. They ranged from coasters, bread/roll warmers, casserole dishes, serving trays, salt and pepper shakers. The only thing I had left of any of these aluminum items were 2 coasters. For my birthday, my daughter Shari bought me a tray and 4 coasters that were just like the coasters I have. I'd forgot how nice these pieces were.

The coasters here are exactly like the two I have left (I had 6 of them) I'd never seen a tray like this one, it has pinecones on it. I love it ! Thanks Shari.


Cheri said...

Very nice! I remember my mom had a lot of that. Wonder what happened to hers?

-- Steve said...

That's an oilpan from a '47 Hudson that someone ran over in the driveway and left the impression of a broken branch in it. Everlast Aluminum.... seriously.

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