Friday, April 9, 2010

Nancie and Joel's Ranch

We stayed at Joel and Nancie's Monday thru Thursday.
They have quite a ranch! They have a cherry orchard,
Lilacs for sale, beehives and sell honey. Here is their web site.
Nancie prepared some delicious meals,
Joel was very generous to give us several neat gifts
(mine was a Magic Bullet) and Larry got some
tools,and Christine gave us her bedroom.
We enjoyed every minute of our visit there,
they were so good to us.

We parked our MH on the top level overlooking the orchard and barn

This is the view from our MH., looking toward the cherry orchard
The properties lower level
Nancie and I
One of the best things that happened was that I got to know Nancie better. We had some good chats. She also took us over to Lancaster to her favorite christian book store. We spent quite some time there just looking around. Before we went back to her house we went to Panera's for lunch. Thanks Nancie that was fun.
Very nice barn. It houses Joel's '57 Chevy and Nancie's Chevy El Camino Truck Nancie fired it up while we were there. whoo hoo !!! Joel gave Larry a ride in his Chevy. Larry said, "It took me awhile to peel myself off the seat"
Joe'ls "57 Chevy
They have goats and chickens on the ranch
The third level of their property is a monntain that goes straight up behing their house. Joel found this half an old Ford on the property. He made a neat seat out of it that overlooks their ranch and the mountains.
Another neat seat, which was along side our MH.
The orchard is cherry trees. "Pick Your Own" They also grow and sell lilacs to a local flower shop. They keep them trimmed low so that the branches are long and thick
This is out in front of my cousin Larry and his wife Donna,s. That mountain is what you see at the beginning of every "Mash" show. There weren't any houses in this area when that show was filmed. I thought we got a better picture of it than this.
Larry, Donna, Joel Nancie, Gail, Larry

Donna and Larry have an elegant home, one of their next door neighbors was Scott Hamilton before Scott moved back East. Larry gave us a tour of the area and pointed out several celebrities houses, one costly 25 million dollars. The dinner was delicious and the story telling, reminiceing, and "confessions" around the table was great fun. Thanks Larry and Donna for a nice evening
This is Joel's neighbor,s car. He had two antique ones in his garage. Their house was nestled in a mountain. The have a donkey the raised from a baby, llamas, chickens, horses, goats and two big dogs. The view was awesome and so was the house.
They also had a baby goat that was running around in the house when we got there. They are hand feeding it

Our last night at Joel's we went out to this Mexican Restaurant for supper
Joel and Nancie's neighbor's that have the baby goat went with us.
Starting from the left and going around the table: Jason Crannell,
Loren C, Rich and Nancy, the two neighbors, Larry, Gail,
Nancie, Joel and Shari, and Nick standing on the stairs.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Looks like a great trip. I'm glad you guys are having such a good time. Happy Birthday Dad!