Tuesday, March 9, 2010

St Louis Arch and Crannell's

Sunday we visited the Arch. It was awesome standing beside the
end of the arch.  There was a museum inside (under) the Arch, a
gift store and an old general store.  The museum was outstanding.

I enjoyed the Mercantile Store.  Bought several books

Carol Crannell, my cousin Roger's wife lives just outside the city
in Fenton, Mo.  Several of Carol and Roger's children live near
her, but only Karen was able to come over while we were there.

It was nice talking over memories.  Karen remembered camping
at our pond as a kid.  She remembered Steve and Shari and just
barely remembered Scott.  She has fond memories there.  Sure
would love to have a Crannell reunion one of these years.

Carol's dog "Shadow" was very friendly and wanted
to sit on your lap.  When we were sitting on the couch
she'd back up to you and half sit on you. 
Standing on Carol's front porch

1 comment:

shari said...

Great to see them! Please tell them I said Hi if you get together again. Where to next?