Saturday, August 2, 2008


William Houseman 1747 - 1813

Several weeks ago I got an email from a family that is related to a Revolutionary War soldier who is buried in the Old King's Cemetery. They told me that his grave didn't have a veteran's marker or flag and wondered how they could get one for it. I contacted the American Legion who puts the flags on the graves. They apparently missed Wm Houseman's or didn't know that he'd been in the Rev. War. I was able to obtain a marker and flag.

Here's my grandaughter Kenzie placing the flag at the gravesite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this is the correct way to leave a note. I was googling on various genealogy items and came across your blog. William Houseman is my gggggrandfather. I have visited the area and cemeteries, but appreciate the pictures and the flag honoring him on his grave. thanks for posting this.