Saturday, April 11, 2009

YORK, PA. April 8th

Wednesday (Day 35)
Carol's House
We left Revelle's bookstore nearly noon and took Route 83 north,
which wasn't  originally on our agenda.  When we neared the Pa. border
I saw the sign, "York, Pa.  20 miles".  I immediately realized that we
were only 20 miles from our friend, Carol Ellis.  We didn't have her
phone number or address, so we called Steve and he found it on the
internet for us.  We called her, and fortunately she was home. Carol
invited us to stop by, which we did for about 2 hrs.  It was so good to
see her and catch up on family stuff and also reminise. 
Carol and I met in Endicott when her husband was the pastor of
our church.  Their kids; Bobby, Joy, and Donnie were best friends
 of our 3 oldest kids.  We have many many fond memories with this
family.  Carol's husband Bob passed away a few years ago.  We sure
missed seeing him on our visit. he was a very good friend and one of the
best Pastors we ever had.
Not a good picture, but I had to include it. 
When Carol got the call that we were stopping by, she thought of this flour
bin that I gave to her years ago (at least 25). I had used it in our cabin
for a number of years.  She had used it .in Watertown and maybe
other places her and Bob lived. She said she no longer has a place
for it so thought it should come back to me. 
 Soooo, I brought it home and will find a spot for it. (again)

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