Monday, November 12, 2007

About the Interview and corrections

A reporter called me and asked me if he could interview me because he'd like to write an article about me as the Northampton and Village of Northville Historian. He came to our house where we talked for quite awhile and I showed him some of my work and some pictures. I also took him over to the museum. Of course while he was here my knee went out again, so had to use my crutch to get around.

The reporter did a pretty good job, but made a few mistakes. He has my grandfather's father as Jonas and that Jonas was a harness maker. That isn't what I told him, so to keep my Kested relatives from getting confused, Frank was my gfather's father and Jonas was his grandfather. Got that straight?

He also said that they widened the bridge so that we could haul the schoolhouse across the bridge. Not so, we had to wait until the new bridge was finished before the school house could be moved into the village.

The other mistake is that I didn't say that I was considering having a historical meeting out at Osborn Bridge.

Hope you enjoyed the article and will look up the pictures on website.


Tom & Ginger said...

And to think, I knew you before you were famous!! Your blog is looking good, keep up the good work. Cousin Tom

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I also checked Cheri's out - we 3 are very much alike with the addiction to garage sales & thrift stores. Of course, you and I'd have to be with some of the same blood running through our veins. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, you two, with your family.

Anonymous said...

Nancy sent me your blog, and it is terrific. Did she tell you we bought a place on Hemlock Terrace? We'll be up during Christmas, and would like to stop by the museum.
Give Larry my regards.
Keep up the good work on your blog.
Art Storer